• #Encryption

  • #Webcam

  • #VPN

  • #Antivirus

  • #RFID

  • #Passwords

The Cyber Nations Foundation Unbreakable Program is offered at no cost to youth between the ages of 9-24.

Corporations and Foundations interested in supporting Unbreakable can choose from three levels of sponsorship: Playmakers, All-Stars and MVPs.

Join us in keeping every young person safe in the digital world.

The Cyber Nations Foundation Unbreakable Program is offered at no cost to youth between the ages of 9-24.

Corporations and Foundations interested in supporting Unbreakable can choose from three levels of sponsorship: Playmakers, All-Stars and MVPs.

Join us in keeping every young person safe in the digital world.

The Cyber Nations Foundation Unbreakable Program is offered at no cost to youth between the ages of 9-24.

Corporations and Foundations interested in supporting Unbreakable can choose from three levels of sponsorship: Playmakers, All-Stars and MVPs.

Join us in keeping every young person safe in the digital world.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

import random

# Create a blank image

width, height = 800, 600

image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), (20, 20, 20)) # Dark background

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Load a font (adjust path for your system)


font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 20)

except IOError:

font = ImageFont.load_default()

# Add lines to represent a network

for i in range(0, width, 80):

draw.line((i, 0, i, height), fill=(0, 255, 150), width=1)

for j in range(0, height, 80):

draw.line((0, j, width, j), fill=(0, 255, 150), width=1)

# Add some security symbols and text


for _ in range(10):

# Random position

x, y = random.randint(0, width - 100), random.randint(0, height - 50)

# Draw lock icon (simple rectangle with a circle as a lock)

draw.rectangle((x, y, x + 50, y + 50), outline="green", width=2)

draw.ellipse((x + 15, y - 10, x + 35, y + 10), outline="green", width=2)

# Add text

text = random.choice(security_texts)

draw.text((x, y + 60), text, fill=(0, 255, 150), font=font)

# Save or show the image








  • Logo on Website

  • 1 Social Media Mention

  • 20 Sponsored Youth



  • Logo on Website

  • 5 Social Media Mentions

  • 100 Sponsored Youth



  • Logo on Website

  • 10 Social Media Mentions

  • 200 Sponsored Youth

  • Exclusive Dining Event & Celebration